The flash mob begins with the drummer entering the room with a huge ROAR and plays through
the room until he reaches his elevated stage or podium. He will continue to play an exhilarating
solo piece which will involve some audience interaction.
When his solo piece finishes he will give the dancers their cue to start. The dancers can be
dressed in either traditional costumes or dressed as Waiter staff or as guests attending the event,
depending on the clients’ preference. As the routine continues more and more dancers join into
the routine which will finish with an extremely fast acapella piece.
Depending on the layout and type of floor in the room dancers can be scattered throughout or
located in a concentrated focal point depending on what the client wants. If the floor where the
performance is to be held is not wooden, small hand-held platforms can be supplied for the
dancers to perform on.
Irish dancers Flash Mob with Drummer from Mark Byrne on Vimeo.
Irish Dancing Flash Mob 2 from Mark Byrne on Vimeo.